Thought leadership

The Essential Sales Software Stack for Startup Founders

As a founder, building a successful sales team is critical to the growth and success of your startup. In this post, we outline the essential software categories for your sales software stack and provide recommendations for the top players in each category, along with the common challenges of implementing them.

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Why Hiring a UX Designer Alone is Not Enough - The Case for a Multi-Disciplinary Design Team

This blog post discusses the different types of designer roles, including UX designers, web designers, graphic designers, and visual designers. It highlights the unique roles and responsibilities, technologies used, and provides examples of real-world problems each type of designer can solve.

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Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer: Who's the Real MVP of Data-Driven Decision Making?

This blog post breaks down the responsibilities, skills, and technologies used by data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers, and provides a real-world example of how each role would approach a data problem.

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Product Led Growth & the Power of a Sales Motion: Why it's Not an Either-Or Choice

Explore the benefits of a sales motion in a product led growth (PLG) company. Discover how a well-designed sales strategy can complement and amplify the impact of a strong product experience, driving growth and customer success.

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Say Goodbye to High Turnover: Proven Techniques for Employee Retention

Connection between employee engagement and retention, and exploration of some of the most proven techniques for retaining top talent from employee development opportunities to recognition programs.

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