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Product Led Growth & the Power of a Sales Motion: Why it's Not an Either-Or Choice

Product Led Growth (PLG) has become an increasingly popular approach to acquiring and retaining customers in the tech industry.

PLG is centered around creating an amazing product experience that drives customer growth, rather than relying on sales and marketing efforts.

With PLG, the product becomes the primary driver of growth, and customers are acquired and retained through word-of-mouth referrals and organic usage.

So, is a sales motion still worthwhile in a PLG company? The short answer is yes.

While PLG may reduce the need for traditional sales and marketing efforts, a sales motion can still play a crucial role in driving growth. In fact, a well-designed sales motion can complement and amplify the impact of a strong product experience.

A sales motion can help accelerate the growth of a PLG company in several ways.

First, a sales motion can help expand the company's reach by identifying and reaching new target customers who may not be aware of the product.

Second, a sales motion can help cross-sell and upsell existing customers, increasing their lifetime value and contributing to the overall growth of the company.

Additionally, a sales motion can provide valuable feedback and insights into customer needs and challenges. This information can be used to inform product development and improve the overall product experience, further driving growth.

In conclusion, while PLG may reduce the need for traditional sales and marketing efforts, a sales motion can still play a crucial role in driving growth for a PLG company.

A well-designed sales motion can complement and amplify the impact of a strong product experience, helping the company reach new customers, increase customer lifetime value, and gain valuable insights into customer needs.

About Rocket

Rocket pairs talented recruiters with advanced AI to help companies hit their hiring goals and knows technology recruiting inside out. Rocket is headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley but has recruiters all over the US & Canada serving the needs of our growing client base across engineering, product management, data science and more through a variety of offerings and solutions.

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