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DevOps - quick reference guide

DevOps is a software development methodology that combines the practices of software development and IT operations to increase the speed, quality, and reliability of software delivery.

Why do companies adopt DevOps?

Adopting DevOps can lead to faster software delivery, improved software quality, and increased efficiency through automation.

It also helps to reduce the time-to-market for new features and services, and increase the ability to respond quickly to market changes.

What are some of the main concepts of DevOps?


Automation refers to the use of tools and scripts to automate repetitive tasks such as testing, deployment, and maintenance.

  • Popular automation tools: Some popular automation tools include Jenkins, Ansible, and Chef. These tools can be used to automate different stages of the software development process, such as building, testing, and deploying code. For example, Jenkins is a popular tool for building and testing code, while Ansible is commonly used for configuration management and deployment.
  • Benefits of automation: Automation can lead to increased efficiency, reduced risk of human error, and improved consistency in the software development process. Automation also helps to reduce the time required for tasks that would otherwise be performed manually, and ensures that the same steps are followed consistently, which can improve the overall quality of the software.


Orchestration refers to the management and coordination of multiple automation tools and scripts to automate the entire software development process, from development to deployment.

  • Popular orchestration tools: Some popular orchestration tools include Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos. These tools can be used to streamline the workflow and ensure that all tasks are completed in the correct order. Kubernetes, for example, is a powerful orchestration tool that can be used to manage and scale containerized applications.
  • Benefits of orchestration: Orchestration can lead to increased efficiency, improved consistency, and better coordination between different stages of the software development process. By automating the coordination of different tools and processes, orchestration can help to eliminate potential errors and ensure that the correct steps are completed in the correct order.


Containers are a way to package software in a way that makes it easy to deploy and run on any machine. Containers allow developers to package all the dependencies and configurations required to run an application, making it easier to move software between different environments.

  • Popular container orchestration tools: Some popular container orchestration tools include Kubernetes and Docker Compose. These tools can be used to manage and deploy containers in a production environment. Kubernetes, for example, is a powerful orchestration tool that can be used to manage and scale containerized applications.
  • Benefits of containers: Containers can lead to improved consistency and portability of software, and make it easier to move software between different environments. Containers also provide a lightweight and efficient way to package software, as they allow multiple applications to run on the same machine without interfering with each other. This can lead to improved resource utilization and cost savings.

Why is Collaboration and Communication important in DevOps?

Effective collaboration and communication is essential for ensuring that development and operations teams are working together effectively. This helps to ensure that the goals and objectives of both teams are aligned and that any issues or blockers can be identified and addressed quickly.

  • Popular collaboration tools: Some popular collaboration tools include Slack, Trello, and Github. These tools can be used to establish effective communication channels between development and operations teams, and facilitate collaboration on code, issues, and tasks.

Good collaboration and communication can lead to faster software delivery, improved software quality, and better coordination between different teams. This can help to ensure that software is delivered on time and to the required quality standards.

What should I look for in DevOps resumes?

When reviewing resumes of DevOps engineers, you should look for skills and experience related to automation, orchestration, containers, and infrastructure as code.

You should also look for experience with popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Kubernetes. Lastly, you should also assess the candidate's problem-solving skills, their ability to work in a team, and their understanding of the overall software development process as those are all critical for success - even more than the technical skills the candidate might have!

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